18 thoughts on “Contact”

  1. Hi Michael,
    First off I want to disclaim the following to all who read this…..My comments below are unsolicited and outline my experience I’ve had with Michael since 2019. I was one of the first members to your PartyPay team with Visible. Because of joining the team I saved 37.5% on my phone bill. I would email you my question’s/suggestions and you would ALWAYS respond very quickly with a well thought out reply helping me make a wise and beneficial decision. I lost track of you after Visible discontinued PartyPay but recently signed up as a ‘Michaelsaves.com’ follower. Reading your articles have helped this 68 year old communication dinosaur navigate the ‘e-world’ (not to mention advice from my 7 year old granddaughter who helps me ‘ to boldly go where no man has gone before’….for you Trekkie fans).

    Michael I enjoy your research, articles and recommendations that I believe are honest, straight up with no hidden agenda and will continue to follow you as I save more and more.

    Thanks again for what you do & Keep up the GREAT work!


  2. Hi Michael. We just got rid of Spectrum cable and now use Google Fiber for internet and YouTube TV for local and most TV. We must use closed captioning for a deaf family member. Have you any information on closed captioning? I subscribe to you on YouTube but haven’t seen anything in your posts regarding my issue. When we had cable, the closed captioning was almost always at the bottom center. For streaming on other apps like Paramont Plus, Netflix and Prime, the CC is still at the bottom center. But, on shows we get via YouTube TV the captioning boxes follow the speaker rather than being at the bottom center. We were watching Blue Bloods the other night and it had 3 people on the screen with 3 separate text boxes. Impossible to read all 3 (far left, top center, and far right). And, throughout the show the boxes jump all over the place. This occurs on live and on shows in our library. This occurs on our 2019 Samsung Smart TV, our LG and on my iPad. I’ve contacted Google Fiber and was told it must be a YouTube issue. I’ve contacted YouTube and after working with them for days, have no answers. They are logging it for further research. Do you show this same issue on your end? Any recommendations for getting the text boxes to stop following the speakers and go to bottom center of the screen?

  3. Michael,

    Is it possible to stream to two different TV’s with different content on both? I currently have Dish and use a ‘joey” to do that now. Thanks, Alan Buttery

    • Yes this is possible with streaming services. When you see limits of multiple streams/screens in my content, this is what I’m referring to. Most let you watch on at least 3 devices (TVs, phones or computers) at once.

  4. Have you come across any services that offer the ability to pick channels and only pay for what you choose? I only watch a handful of channels, maybe 10-12, but don’t want to pay for all the other channels that I never watch. Seems like a waste of money to me.

  5. Hi Michael….Love your youtube videos on cutting the cord !…Im not there yet, maybe soon…Need some advice on adding You-tube onto my ‘dumb’ hd-tv in the bedroom…I have a smart tv-with roku in my living room and im using verizon fios on all my tv’s…Can i purchase a roku-express streaming stick and install it on my ‘Dumb-tv’ ??…Just want to have “You-tube” available to me since i watch it always…..Thanks, Chris (Williamstown,NJ.)

  6. Hi Michael,
    I just saw your review of Mechanical Turk on Clark Howard’s website. Seems pretty positive-I researched it more because they wanted SS number and other personal info. My son is a programmer and said it seemed OK to him, that if I was getting paid they would need info from me. I guess I’ll try it out in the evenings and cut back on the mindless FB time.
    Ruth B

    • Hi Ruth. It’s like any regular job, so they need SS# for tax purposes. After the 30 days, I got to over $7/hour. I think I would have been $8 to $9 if I had used the Turkopticon 2 Beta tool (Google for the link) earlier on. It won’t make you rich, but it’s easy to fill out surveys during commercials. Let me know how it goes.

  7. Dear Michael
    Thanks for your work and great site.
    Be good to participate and learn from your community, but I am trying to detach from Google/Facebook nudist camp. (Be good to cover this privacy issue in your blog?)
    PP (Personal Privacy) may seem unrelated to thriftiness, but both promote a sense of “self” as opposed to a de-personalized compliance with what others want. (debt, spending, unconscious living)
    John B
    john aht bugventures daht kom

  8. Hello !
    I was surprised about your adding Chevrolet Impala to the list of dangerous to drive?
    The Impala is the LARGEST sedan that GM makes and it is top rated in safety. Very top rated.

    Do you mean older models of Impala? Eighties??

  9. I’ve just found your blog through Mr Money Moustache, and you are both a true inspiration. Reading through I am in a similar situation to you before you paid off your first property. I have a well paid job that I’m not crazy about, I have about the same amount of mortgage outstanding and reckon I can finish it off in the next three years (I’m already one year in), although hoping I can do it sooner with raises etc. I’m also still paying into my work place pension and I’ve recently been contemplating patching my lovely (expensive) Diesel jeans. I’m currently saving 50% of my salary but I think I can do more with a bit of help with the ideas from this blog and MMM. So motivating to read about people who have done it, although I wish I was in the US, having to work out the UK versions and not all are as cheap, but I’ll get there. Thanks for doing this blog!

  10. I saw your article on fb and went to your blog. how do I follow your blog? I liked the page but not sure if that does it…
    I am so in to all the things you are saying and more…. we too have switched to republic wireless just last week. My husband and I lost everything in the last recession and have made some MAJOR changes in our lifestyle to prevent it from ever happening again. My family teases me on some the the ways I save, but it’s working.. that being said, we are always looking for new ways to save.
    I (my husband is not really on board for this) am contemplating going a whole year (2016) without spending anything (except housing, utilities, food…) my son thinks I’m crazy, I’d be interested in your thoughts…

    • I am excited that you are making major changes to improve your life. I am not sure about the no spending year– it might be hard on your relationship with your family. However, I do believe in conscious spending. Don’t throw things in a shopping cart without being honest with yourself about whether they are WANTS or NEEDS. You can still buy some things you want– if you can afford it. Follow me on my Facebook page and send me a message. We can chat more if you would like.

  11. Loved your site, so much valuable info. I am currently in the market of buying a house. I’ve been lucky so far-debt free. Paid my tuition and credit cards by in full. Got married in march and now I need a house for me and the Mrs. I will try to email you once I finally get a house and get a loan. As of now it seems I wont be paying any down payment so I will be going with the ARM 5/1. Keep spreading the wealth 🙂


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